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Guide to Golf Camps & Schools

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Search Results: 75 Matches
Showing 1-25 Next 25 >>>
1. Nike Golf Learning Centers in golf Nike Golf Learning Centers
Nike Golf Schools & Jr. Camps provide junior golfers with the tools to enjoy this great game for a lifetime.

2. Ability Golf Academy & Golf Schools
Instruction covers grip, stance, alignment, ball position, putting, chipping, pitching, sand, irons, fairway woods & driver. Club fitting & video analysis...
Palm City, FL

3. Academy Golf Schools
Instruction includes daily swing video analysis, fundamentals, putting, pitching, chipping, pitch & run shots, half & 3/4 shots, full swings, mid...
Miami, FL : Jekyll Island, GA : Chicago, IL : Several in, IN : Myrtle Beach & Sumter, SC

4. Advantage Golf Schools
Morning spent on practice tee; after lunch, 9 hole playing lesson with instructor.
Phoenix/Scottsdale & Sedona, AZ : Tampa, Palm Beach & Orlando, FL : Ocean City, MD : NY : Hilton Head, SC

5. Al Frazzini's Golf School
Video analysis, AM & PM instruction in full swing, chipping, putting, long irons, bunkers, specialty shots. 9-hole on-course playing lesson daily....
Orlando, FL : Hayward & Door County, WI

6. America's Favorite Golf Schools
Includes classroom theory, videotape review and critique, full swing, short game, on-course instruction with professional, Dream Swing Training Aid.
Springdale, AR : Phoenix, Mesa, Sedona & Tucson, AZ : San Diego, Palm Springs & Petaluma, CA : Denver & Littleton, CO : Pomfret, CT (... more)

7. America's One to One Golf School- VIP Golf Academy
Platinum School 5 days (30 hours), Gold School 4 days (24 hours), Silver School 3 days (18 hours). Video review &...
Phoenix & Sedona, AZ : Palm Springs, CA : Vail & Denver, CO : Amelia Isl., Naples, Orlando, Port St Lucie, Tampa, FL : Ocean City, MD (... more)

8. Anne Cain Golf
Private instruction plus school packages available
Amelia Island, FL

9. Arnold Palmer Golf Academy - Orlando
Learn the fundamentals of golf that Arnold Palmer's father taught him. Instruction is broken down into four key areas — Mastering...
Orlando, FL

10. Ben Sutton Golf School
Golf schools featuring 6 hours of daily instruction, including personalized practice video & plan, morning practice & afternoon playing lessons.
South of Tampa, FL : Windham, NY

11. Bill Madonna Golf Academy
Morning lesson tee, 40 yds & short game session, video analysis, individual full swing review. Afternoon on-course play.
Orlando, FL : Atlanta, GA

12. Bird Golf Academy
Includes daily playing lessons, individualized physical & mental techniques
4 locations, AZ : Palm Springs, Napa & San Diego, CA : Crested Butte, CO : near Orlando, FL : Jekyll Island, GA : Brainerd Lakes, MN (... more)

13. Brad Brewer Golf Academy
Full Swing, Scoring Zone fundamentals & drills, course management, Corporate Team Building & Networking events, V1 & FlightScope launch monitor technologies,...
Orlando, FL

14. Bruce Baird's California Golf Schools
9-5 instruction
Monterey, San Diego, CA : FL : Las Vegas, NV : SC

15. Cali Golf Schools
Customized to the student's needs & schedule
Orlando, FL

16. Celebration Golf Academy
Includes set-up fundamentals, short game strategies, art of putting, on-course management skills.
Orlando, FL

17. Chuck Evans Golf
Classroom session, physical & stroke evaluation, individualized training program. One-day boot camps on either full swing or short game, private lessons,...
AZ : CA : FL : GA : KS : MO : NC : NV : PA : UT

18. College of Golf Keiser University
Accredited university program offering a 16-month Associates of Science degree in Golf Management. Prepares students for golf employment and introduces golf...
Port St. Lucie, FL

19. Core Golf Junior Academy
Full-time golf development program for juniors with high school education at Windermere Prep School. Includes instruction, mental performance, video analysis, nutrition,...
Winter Garden, FL

20. Dave Pelz Scoring Game School
Instruction covers The Scoring Game: short game and putting.
Napa, CA : Palm Springs, CA : Carlsbad, CA : Boca Raton, FL : Palm Beach Gardens, FL : Atlanta, GA : Greensboro, GA : Chicago, IL : Traverse City, MI (... more)

21. David Leadbetter Golf Academy
Full swing, short game, physical & mental conditioning, computer & digital video analysis, club fitting.
FL : Austria : China : England : France : Germany : Jamaica : Japan : Malaysia : Portugal : Singapore : Spain : Switzerland

22. Dennis Meyer's Golf School
AM instruction, PM playing lesson
Naples, FL

23. Dr. Jim Suttie Golf Academy
One-day short game school covers putting, chipping, pitching, bunker play, & other specialty shots; five-day camp identifies players' strengths & weaknesses....
Naples, FL : Frankfort, IL

24. ESPN 3-Day Resort School
Instruction in full swing, short game, course management, fitness & nutrition, videotape analysis, optional afternoon play.
Scottsdale, AZ : Boca Raton & Orlando, FL : Las Vegas, NV

25. Fellowship of Christian Athletes Junior Golf Camps
Teaching sessions are held each morning with afternoons devoted to on-course competition.
Ponte Vedra, St. Augustine, Orlando, FL : Greensboro, GA : Pella, IA : Indianapolis, IN : Salisbury, MD : Big Rapids, MI : Nisswa, MN (... more)

Showing 1-25 Next 25 >>>

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